There will be roof

  • Written by Karin Ahlberg & Lydia Winninge

Preparations has been many and after several days treating the wood with anti-termite the roof construction has begun.

To start, we needed a perfect prototyp truss to assist in the building of the rest ones. This since the workers prefer taking measurements from a built object rather than using drawings. The first truss made needed some improvements in detailing, so we stayed out in the dark to to finish, lighting the workshop with solar lamps and torches in order to have a new one ready before the building team would come back the next morning.

This second prototype was perfect and the production of the trusses for two of the houses is running. Ericis team have got help from more people in order to speed up the process, with the goal too finish the first roof this week while there are still volunteers one site. The remaining two will start as soon as the economical situation allows.



Erici, Chirstian and Peter taking down the form for the second level of the tower. A work that has been paused since the roofing needs to be finished.

Last saturday we visited the children in their current home and brought paper, clay and colored pens. Playing together, drawing and folding paper planes, as well as seeing them taking care of each other, joking and laughing was very enjoyable. It is nice to spend time with the future users of the building we are making.

In the new children centre, we can picture one of their favorite spaces to be the built in sofas in the study room; just as one of ours is the sofa on the terrass of the Baobab House. The sofas are in a shaded place, protected from rain and will be comfortable with pillows – giving the kids a nice space to both study and play.

Imanuel, Ebeneza and Clinton



Hosianna, Brian, Naomi, Faradja and Maria_MG_4673

Rajabou and Clinton drawing while Faradja sits in the back rinsing rice


Future photographer?

Gathered in the baobab sofa today are seven people. Except for Lydia and Karin there are the volunteering landscape architects Anna, Julia, Hanne and waste water engineer  Johanna with her son Ragnar, that pays Econef a vist of for ten days. They are here to work with an ecological grey water system and designing the court yards.

One thing that we find beautiful in this project is how many people that are involved and contribute in different ways. Econef children center is a real collective act, where all: from the donators to architects, volunteers and others spreading the word are connected in the work of creating a better home for the children.


Lydia and Karin

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Cook for Hope

Det bubblar kring Econef! I förmiddags var jag på besök hos EttElva arkitekter, där även medarbetare från MER som sponsrar Econef lyssnade intensivt när jag berättade och visade bilder från mitt besök hos Caroline och barnen. Det lär bli fler samarbeten framöver!

Nåväl, nu sprider sig välviljan som ringar på vatten och härliga Maya Nestorov som grundat företaget Oslagbar Hälsa har hakat på Econef – vågen. Maya är en hälsoinspiratör och en sprudlande, varm, och engagerad kvinna vars energi smittar av sig när man vistas i hennes närhet.

Nu arrangerar hon en Raw Food middag till förmån för barnen i Tanzania. Det blir en kväll fylld med nya smaker, inspiration, många skratt gissar jag och bra tips och recept ni kan ta med er hem.

Datum: 7 april kl 17.30-21

Anmäl er genom att maila Maya: och betala in 1000 kr Bankgiro 385-7329. Har ni några frågor kan ni maila Maya. VARMT VÄLKOMNA!

Cook for Hope med Maya Nestorov

Cook for Hope med Maya Nestorov

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Water tank completed

  • Written by Karin Ahlberg & Lydia Winninge

We made it! After weeks of digging, making an earthquake proof foundation, laying stones, forming plywood, reinforcing and casting concrete the second water tank is done. Since we, Karin and Lydia, came here almost a month ago we have participated in the process with great interest and excitement.

Christian and Erici about to cast lower slab

Almost redy for plaster

Peter working with reinforcement

Erici and Safil building the form for the upper slab

Even though the work has taken a little bit more time than expected, Caroline’s wish came true: it finished before rain season. Normally the monsoon would have started already, but just as the work and time estimation can be, the weather has been quite unpredictable.

The last few days the temperature has sunk a little and every now and then thunderstorms and rain are hitting the area. Yesterday, while eating a fresh vegetable dinner out on the terrace, we watched a spectacular scenery of flashes lighting the sky over the valley. Together with the cats we hid under the roof watching the powerful forces of nature from a distance. The monsoon seems to approach, but still most days are sunny and nights lit with stars.

Meanwhile Erici and his team has been working on the tank we have continued the work of Kajsa and Sabine, preparing for the roof construction. After finishing the budget there has been many purchasing trips to Arusha with Caroline getting all material needed.

Steel shoes painted in red oxide

Choosing & sizing wood

This week we have bought the last things as corrugated metal sheets, wood and steel needed for the roof. Lydia has spent several hours on the welders office for the making of steel shoes with custom drilled holes to even up the differences in the placement of the t-bolts; Karin as many at the wood shop picking straight and dry pieces of the right length. After a long dealing of the price for the wood transportation it was brought to a wood workshop for cutting and cleaning. Since electricity is a luxury that you cannot take for granted here, we waited for several hours until the power came back and the work could continue.

Now almost all the 262 pieces of wood is delivered and piled on the basket field, the only flat surface on site. Metal sheets and nails are kept in the storage waiting for Erici, Maxi, Safil, Christian and Peter finishing the water tower connected to the tank. Next week the wood is going to be termite treated and the walls cleaned from cement before the roofing and building of the trusses can start. Exciting!

We have experienced a lot of interesting and enjoyable cultural meetings in this fantastic project. Now, since it is friday, it is time for us to head over to the builders with one of the most important things in Swedish culture: “fredagsfika”. In Swahili Ko-fika means “jag kommer”. And that is what we will do now.

Ko-fika to fikat!

Lydia & Karin

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Tack Stadsutveckling!

Till den ständigt växande Econef familjen vill vi också hälsa Varmt Välkomna till Stadsutveckling, som generöst bidragit till barnens framtid. Ju fler vi är som hjälps åt, ju fler kan vi stödja.

Vi tackar och bockar, välkomna in i familjen!


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Välkomna ETTELVA Arkitekter och MER

Econef familjen växer! En brokig, passionerad och engagerad skara människor och företag som genom sitt arbete vill bidra till en bättre värld.

Idag vill vi rikta vårt djupt kända TACK till ETTELVA Arkitekter och MER som tillsammans skänkt 100 000 kronor! Tack för ert engagemang och tid, det betyder allt för oss.

För varje bidrag kommer vi närmare målet, att ge de 16 barn, (och fler ska det bli), som nu bor hos Caroline, en ny skola, nytt boende och en gård som med sin avkastning på sikt ska göra barncentret självförsörjande. Om ni visste hur sugna barnen är på att flytta in i sitt nya hem. De kommer ut till bygget och gården flera gånger i veckan och tar hand om djuren, planterar träd och växter, leker, springer runt på de stora ytorna och lever om, det är en fröjd att se. Och allt detta är möjligt tack vare alla er som är med och stöttar projektet, utan er är vi inget!

Vi vill också passa på att välkomna er alla att besöka Econef och barnen, ett besök som blir ett minne för livet.

För varje ny familjemedlem blir vi starkare, bättre och hjälps åt att skapa en framtid för barnen.

Återigen, stort tack och välkomna in i familjen ETTELVA Arkitekter och MER, och vem vet, vi kanske ses i Tanzania…



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Heri ya mwaka mpya!

Happy New Year!

Since the beginning of the year, Tarald and I (Else) has been on site. After a short Christmas vacation for the fundis (local builders), the work started again last week. I have been involved in the project before – and been in Tanzania at site, finishing up the prototype house two years ago. This was in context with my Bachelor thesis in interior architecture I did in collaboration with Asante + Lö&V about Econef new Children Centre. Since then, I have followed the project with excitement, and is very happy to be back and participate in building the new houses.

The builders have now finished all the walls – and are at the moment making the ring beam for house D. We are really satisfied with the fundis work with the brick walls. It is a unusual technique here in Tanzania to be so ”picky” about the aesthetics of a brick wall (that will not be covered with plaster). We believe Klaus (the previous volunteer) have supervised them well ;)

It is very nice to walk around the houses, and feel the rooms starting to take shape. Both the spaces inside and outside between the houses. I believe the layout and organizing of space will be unique and create a good home for the children to grow and learn. It is something special when you have looked at a flat drawing for so long, and then come here and experience it.

In the big picture, Econef is still a quite small orphanage (16 kids) compared to others (SOS Villages, private initiatives etc). And the good values they have created in their current home, is very different from many others. I believe the architects have wanted to transfer these values, over to the new home. I have visited some others orphanages here in the local community – and Econefs current and the new layout is really sticking out. Architecturally: the mix of traditional materials, techniques and influences of modern architecture (specially the tilted roof structure). Socially: the way the layout is planned and how its planned after Caroline’s envision to run the orphanage (not like a business!).

There is nothing that reminds you of an institution here – it is created with love, and if you come visit it one day, I bet you will feel the same. It will become a home to the children – not just a house.

I think one of the main ”success” in the existing Econef home, is the courtyard. And by looking on the new childrens centre – you can read that the whole concept is built around this. And even if its not finished yet, I get a feeling when walking around the structures, that the magical ambience the concept is striving for – is going to be achieved.

The children’s bedrooms are big and bright, and the kitchen will probably become the centerpiece of gatherings with a modern-style: open plan. It is important to remember when planning a kitchen in Tanzania, it is completely different from what we in the western world are used to. And at many orphanages in Tanzania, the kitchen is often ”detached” from the rest of the home. Like a canteen with own kitchen staff. At the new Econef home, Caroline wanted it to ”melt” more together with the rest of the home (like the current home is) and introduce small influences from our nordic traditions of a home. And this is something that have been discussed with Caroline a lot – and are still discussed to find the right balance between reality, function and concept.

Together with Caroline, we are also discussing and learning from the prototype house. Some things that were done here, is not suited for the new home, and we will have to find new solutions for it. We try to take care of every detail, and Caroline is the super-mind who have control over everything. It is very interesting to be a part of a collaboration between two cultures – with the aim of finding the right balance between (western?) aesthetics and tanzanian functionality.

Take for example how a door opening is placed. In the prototype house, all doors are opened outwards to the hallway. Caroline thinks this is very funny and odd. She tells us ”.. in Tanzania it is common knowledge that the doors should be opened inwards”. Why? we ask. ”Because if a intruder enter, you can hide behind the door, or you can use you body weight against the door to keep the intruder out of the room”. As a mzungu (means ’europeean’ – a slang for white people) this kind of mindset is very different from our culture. Their whole mindset around safety, is very important – and very different from what we are used to. So we must show it the highest respect and include it to the design.

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BBQ Econef Style

 Saturday December 26 was a big day – all the kids were coming out to the site (the currently live in Leganga, with Caroline, but will move here as soon as the houses are up) to inaugurate the new playground. An event they have been talking about for day, not least the new basketboll court. They arrived in two rounds, our driver Saidi could only fit 8 at a time in the car – first the eldest (ages 10-16) that arrived early, before 9 am. Saidi had barely stopped the car before the jumped out and ran towards swings, slides, monkeywalk and balance, threw themselves over it. I have never heard them laugh so hard and run so fast! An hour later, the rest of the kids came – they’re younger and approached the playground first with hesitation, then wonder  – exploring these new toys, not knowing exactly what to do with them. But that hesitation didn’t last long – soon the elder kids initiated them in the wonders of swinging and sliding.

26 December3



26 December24

The second big thing today was the food – Goat BBQ. Here in Tanzania they love meat, and especially goat, so for the occasion I had bought them one. That in itself is an adventure for me! One of our neighbours, Dickie, came to execute the slaughter and cooking, together with Mama Godi, who also lives with Caroline and the kids – a wonder of a woman: always calm, kind and patient with a natural authority that could make  any teacher green with envy.  She cooks, cleans, helps out where need be. I tell you, in my opinion she is one of the reasons the center runs so smoothly. Never irritated, never needs to raise her voice.

The third big thing today was the arrival of Charlotte Lindqvist and her family. Charlotte founded Econef together with Caroline is one of the driving forces behind this organisation. The kids love  her and have been asking for days: ”When is Charlotte coming?  When? Where is she now?” Finally, she arrived – they flocked around her and hugged like they hadn’t seen her in years! The party could begin.

Here’s how to make a Goat BBQ:

1 – Buy a goat.

Buying goat

2- Invite all your friends.

3- Find a neighbour to execute the slaughter and cooking so all is done correctly.

4 – Bring out the charcoal.

5 – Dig a hole in the ground.

 26 December16

7 – Fill the hole with choals and light a match to them.


8 – Medan glöden blir varm: stycka köttet – spara grytbitar till Pilau som ska kokas över elden. Ta vara på allt: hals, lever, njurar…låt inget gå till spillo.

Mama Godi and Kevin (Carolines son) dutting meat for the pilau.

Mama Godi and Kevin (Carolines son) cutting meat for the pilau.


Ready for BBQ

9 -While the meat os on the BBQ, make a Pilau: rice, oil, salt, vegetables and meat.

Mama Godi makes Pilau

Mama Godi makes Pilau

10 – While the food is cooking – hang out, chat, enjoy the shade.



 11 – Grill vegetables for the vegetarians (we deeply appreciate it!).

26 December25

12 – När maten är klar, tvätta händerna och kalla alla till bords.

26 December21

13 – Eat!

All of a sudden, the kids went completely quiet - focused on the eating. There was not a scrap left!

All of a sudden, the kids went completely quiet – focused on the eating. There was not a scrap left!

Hopefully your guests will have brought some amazing chocolate cakes and plenty of fruits to complete the meal. Enjoy!


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Planting trees

Hello again! From now on I will be blogging in English so our friends throughout the world can follow the progress of Econef.

Things are happening fast now – as I have mentioned earlier, House A and C have all their walls and ringbeams, after New Years the builders will start working on the roofs. The new playground is taking shape and will be inaugurated on the 26th of December when we are having a Goat BBQ for the kids and some friends of Econef. Will follow up with a post to report!

The fruit orchard is really happening – Ngouk has been plowing the ground and the kids have dug holes and planted loads of banana trees, peaches, avocadoes, two different types of mangoes and some indigenous trees there to create shade and to together with the rest of the trees, bind the soil to prevent it from erosion.



Farajah engagerar sig i alla gårdens sysslor, han gillar att vara med och bygga sitt framtida hem.

Farajah engagerar sig i alla gårdens sysslor, han gillar att vara med och bygga sitt framtida hem.




After Christmas we are also investing in a watch dog – it’s important to get the proper training for it and to have somebody responsible for it so I have talked to a security company that Caroline is currently working with who do this kind of training and as soon as the dog is here I am planning to sponsor this. A new watchman also begins in 2016 and he is used to dogs and will make sure he gets his exercise, continued training, love and care that he needs. I so wish I could give you an IRL tour of this, in fact, when all is in place and if you happen to be in northern Tanzania at some point, please stop by and say hello!

So, that’s it for today – I will return shortly with more news from the BBQ and from the first Econef Basketball Tournament within soon.

Have a wonderful Christmas!







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Nu har vi en basketplan!

Louisa Tornberg, som är volontär på Econef och jobbar med barnen och varit här sedan november, gjorde en insamling innan hon åkte hit till Tanzania, för att få ihop pengar till en basketplan för barnen att spela på. Snart var anläggningen igång. För två veckor sedan mättes planen upp, den ligger mellan Baobab huset (där vi volontärer bor) och själva skolbyggnaden.

Steg 1: mät upp planen

Steg 1: mät upp planen


Popo och Maxi heter killarna som fick i uppgift att anlägga den och nu, när de har grävt en grund, lagt sten, fyllt på med cement som har härdats, jämnat ut kanterna och monterat ställningar för korgarna börjar den ta form.



Steg 2 och 3: gräva ur och lägga en grund av sten.

Steg 2 och 3: gräva ur och lägga en grund av sten.

Steg 4:Fyll på med cement.

Steg 4:Fyll på med cement.

Lekplatsen ska bli färgglad så nu har vi en kille här som målar korgplanken himmelsblå med röd kant samt linjer på planen.

Basketplan måla1

Steg 5: Måla!

Basketplan måla2

Basketplan måla3



Den 26 december ska vi ha en stor fest, Goat BBQ, och då blir det basketmatch.Barnen har delat upp sig i två lag: ”Spykids”och ”Supernatural ” och vi övriga blir hejaklackar.


Lovar att återkomma med rapport från matchen!


Bästa, Lisen



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Fried Rice Econef Style

Barnen på Econef har jullov hela december (och i hela Tanzania om jag uppfattat rätt) och det betyder massor av ledig tid. De yngre är kvar hemma och leker med Louisa som är volontär. Igår lärde hon dem sjunga ”Sommaren är kort” och de har sjungit den för mig – klockrent!

De äldsta barnen, oftast Brian, 16 år, och Farajah, 15 år, får följa med hit till bygget och gården där de hjälper till med allsköns sysslor: utfodra djuren, hålla rent i lagårn, i hönshuset och hos getterna. De vattnar, rensar ogräs – ja – tar tag i det som behövs. De örnkoll på vad som behövs göras. Det är roligt att se dem med djuren – de är lugna och kärleksfulla, utför sysslorna med van hand och de verkar tycka det är roligt. Vid lunchdags plockar Farajah fram ris och grönsaker – han ska laga lunch till oss, dvs Caroline, Brian, mig och Saidi, vår chaufför. Idag blir det Fried Rice och jag ber att få lära mig hur man gör samtidigt som jag dokumenterar så ni där hemma får lära sig också. Han är på direkt. Fram med kameran. Farajah är väldigt grundlig i sina instruktioner – i köket blir han chef och jag hans assistent. Han är lugn och metodisk vid spisen, det här har han gjort förr och han gillar att berätta hur man gör. Frågar om han vill bli kock när han blir stor eftersom han verkar trivas i köket – men nix, han vill bli ingenjör. Go Faraja säger jag! Ser fram emot att följa honom på hans livs väg. Något som slår mig här är hur alla barnen på Econef från tidig ålder lär sig odla och laga mat, ta hand om djur, samarbeta med varandra – livskunskaper som varje barn borde få med sig från barnsben. För vad händer med en generation som inte har den typen av kunskap i händerna om allt annat skiter sig? Kan man odla och laga mat, ta hand om djur och leva i grupp så har man en bra grund för livet, man kan klara sig oavsett vad som händer. Och det verkar inge en trygghet, respekt för mat och för varandra. Sånt går jag och tänker på här på dagarna. Nåväl, tillbaks till riset, såhär gör man:

1 – Häll ut riset på en bricka. Rensa bort eventuellt skräp och små stenar. (Det blir min uppgift). Skölj det sedan.

Rensa bort eventuellt skräp ur riset. Typ små stenar och sånt.

Rensa bort eventuellt skräp ur riset. Typ små stenar och sånt.

2 – Hacka lök och tomater. Chop chop.

Hacka tomater och lök.

Hacka tomater och lök.

3- Häll matolja i en kastrull, hetta upp och tillsätt de hackade grönsakerna. Låt fräsa tills löken är mjuk.



4 – Mät upp riset i en kopp och häll ned i kastrullen, tillsätt lika mycket vatten.


5 – Rör om så det inte bränner vid i botten.


6- Tillsätt mer vatten allteftersom det absorberas av riset.

7 –Häll i kokosmjölk eller, som i det här fallet, kokosmjölkpulver.


8 – Låt sjuda under lock, rör om då och då.


9 – Salta


10 – Känn efter om riset är klart, tillsätt mer vatten och rör om ifall det behövs.


11 – Låt sjuda under lock tills riset är genomkokt. Rör om och servera.


Killarna lassar upp varsitt fat, en sådan där portion som bara tonårskillar kan trycka i sig, häller på ketchup och konstaterar att det är gott. Katterna, som helt oinbjudna har flyttat hit och håller till runt huset för det mesta, ser till att hålla sig i närheten för de vet att de får ta del av resterna.24

Så, nu kan ni laga Fried Rice Econef Style.

Liten ordlista:

Tomat – Nyanya

Lök – Kitunguu

Ris, okokt – Mchele

Ris, kokt – Wali

Jag frågar vad deras älsklingsrätt är: de svarar unisont:  Pilau. Det är, ja, pilaff helt enkelt – ris, grönsaker och när barnen får välja –med getkött. Brian lovar att bjuda på det när jag kommer till dem på söndag.

Det ska bli så spännande att följa de här unga männen på sin livsväg. De drömmer om att bli piloter och ingenjörer och jag hoppas hoppas att förutsättningarna kommer finnas. Och oavsett vad som händer har de goda förutsättningar att skapa sig en bra framtid oavsett om de får utbildning framöver eller ej: de har grundskola, de kan odla och laga mat, de är godhjärtade, omtänksamma, lojala, nyfikna, smarta, kärleksfulla och väldigt duktiga på att samarbeta. Jag lär mig av dem hela tiden.

Be good!


Undra på att katterna bosatt sig här.

Glada katter


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