Closing the foundation and our acounts

Dear Friends and Supporters,

We are thrilled to announce that the construction of the Econef Children’s Center is almost complete! This milestone has been made possible thanks to your generous donations and unwavering support. We started this journey more than a decade ago and we know that a big chunk of you have been with us fro the get-go. We are deeply grateful for the trust and commitment you have shown to our mission of supporting children in Tanzania.

As we approach the completion of this project, we have decided to close our official fundraising accounts. This decision comes as we transition to supporting the children in Tanzania in a more informal manner. While our official fundraising channels will be closing, our dedication to the well-being and education of these children remains as strong as ever. If you want to continue supporting the children, we have a bank account for this purpose only. Please reach out if you want the details.

We invite those who still wish to contribute through our regular channels to do so within the next two weeks. Your final donations will help us wrap up the construction and ensure a smooth transition to the next phase of our journey.

Once again, we cannot thank you enough for your incredible support. Together, we have created a space where children can learn, grow, and thrive. We look forward to continuing this journey with you, albeit in a more informal capacity.

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