Saturday December 26 was a big day – all the kids were coming out to the site (the currently live in Leganga, with Caroline, but will move here as soon as the houses are up) to inaugurate the new playground. An event they have been talking about for day, not least the new basketboll court. They arrived in two rounds, our driver Saidi could only fit 8 at a time in the car – first the eldest (ages 10-16) that arrived early, before 9 am. Saidi had barely stopped the car before the jumped out and ran towards swings, slides, monkeywalk and balance, threw themselves over it. I have never heard them laugh so hard and run so fast! An hour later, the rest of the kids came – they’re younger and approached the playground first with hesitation, then wonder – exploring these new toys, not knowing exactly what to do with them. But that hesitation didn’t last long – soon the elder kids initiated them in the wonders of swinging and sliding.
The second big thing today was the food – Goat BBQ. Here in Tanzania they love meat, and especially goat, so for the occasion I had bought them one. That in itself is an adventure for me! One of our neighbours, Dickie, came to execute the slaughter and cooking, together with Mama Godi, who also lives with Caroline and the kids – a wonder of a woman: always calm, kind and patient with a natural authority that could make any teacher green with envy. She cooks, cleans, helps out where need be. I tell you, in my opinion she is one of the reasons the center runs so smoothly. Never irritated, never needs to raise her voice.
The third big thing today was the arrival of Charlotte Lindqvist and her family. Charlotte founded Econef together with Caroline is one of the driving forces behind this organisation. The kids love her and have been asking for days: ”When is Charlotte coming? When? Where is she now?” Finally, she arrived – they flocked around her and hugged like they hadn’t seen her in years! The party could begin.
Here’s how to make a Goat BBQ:
1 – Buy a goat.
2- Invite all your friends.
3- Find a neighbour to execute the slaughter and cooking so all is done correctly.
4 – Bring out the charcoal.
5 – Dig a hole in the ground.
7 – Fill the hole with choals and light a match to them.
8 – Medan glöden blir varm: stycka köttet – spara grytbitar till Pilau som ska kokas över elden. Ta vara på allt: hals, lever, njurar…låt inget gå till spillo.
9 -While the meat os on the BBQ, make a Pilau: rice, oil, salt, vegetables and meat.
10 – While the food is cooking – hang out, chat, enjoy the shade.
11 – Grill vegetables for the vegetarians (we deeply appreciate it!).
12 – När maten är klar, tvätta händerna och kalla alla till bords.
13 – Eat!

All of a sudden, the kids went completely quiet – focused on the eating. There was not a scrap left!
Hopefully your guests will have brought some amazing chocolate cakes and plenty of fruits to complete the meal. Enjoy!